Istria, also known as Little Tuscany, is the perfect destination for saying the fateful “yes”. Apart from the magical atmosphere of the ancient city, serenity of hidden locations, fairy-tale sea shore, mild climate and the abundance of sunny hours assicure the realization of an unforgettable open air ceremony.
It is Istria itself the place that will make your wedding invitation to friends and relatives even more unique and your day so different. Allow yourself to be different. Are you ready for a dream wedding?
We approach each wedding and all newlyweds professionally and responsibly with the aim of making a day just as they have imagined, regardless the number of guests. We offer sevices that are verified and safe meaning that no experiments or unverified services are considered. Friendly approach allows us to prepare and plan the wedding in a relaxed tone without nervousness or uncertainty.
We are there for you on the day of the wedding itself, from the beginning until the very end, to make sure that everyone is acquainted with the scheduleand during the evening to verify that the services provided are up desired standard so you may undisturbed enjoy your special day.
We are direct line of communication between you and various contractors, letting you free from any telephone hustle and sleeve pulling. Having a large number of people participating in the whole process as well as unplanned situations create a risk of minor mistakes and omissions but by being present at all times we strive to keep everything under control and find a solution to possible unpredictable situations and thereby expressing our gratitude for the trust you have given us.
In addition to helping with all the details, choosing a wedding cake, music, entertainment, flowers and decorations, we suggest unique and special locations in the Istrian area that will crown your day with uniqueness and natural beauty.